Original tank cleaning chemicals at all stock points
Since more than 25 years, Chemtec Chemicals GmbH manufactures and supplies Tank Cleaning Chemicals for the Chemical and Product Tanker Industry and provides also Consultant Service Worldwide. Since the beginning we commit to ourseves to provide our customers with our original tank cleaning chemicals at all stock points
The main product is the “CTC-Cleaner-VLC” that is produced in our factory in Germany and distributed to partner warehouses to the various stock points worldwide.
global stock points
Original tank cleaning chemicals at all stock point
Tankcleaning advice
Substantial experience and knowledge concerning tank cleaning operations
Best cleaning results
Advanced tank cleaning chemicals based on most sophisticated Ingredients
Stock points
Our worldwide logistic chain enable us to provide you
the original cleaning chemicals at the right place any time.
Tank cleaning solutions
The cleaning performance of our highly concentrated tank cleaning chemicals will significantly reduce tank cleaning time, thereby leading to lower fuel consumption. Consequently, this will result in reduced bunker costs and a decrease in CO2 emissions.
We maintain continuous and close contact with our customers, actively listening to their needs and concerns. By doing so, we stay well-informed about the problems and challenges that arise during tank cleaning operations. Consequently, we are consistently engaged in exploring potential optimizations for tank cleaning processes and procedures. This ongoing effort ensures that we achieve the best cleaning results, while also guaranteeing a quick turnaround and optimal flexibility.







CTC-Cleaner-VLC is the most economical cleaner on the market!
Please convince yourself and calculate your cleaning-solution by using our new product-calculator
The Chemtec team has substantial experience and knowledge concerning tank cleaning operation, cleaning procedures and suitable cleaning chemicals.
We have a wealth of experience on different type of cargoes, their handling and related IMO and MARPOL regulations.
Remote support, ensuring our ability to promptly address your requirements.
Streamlined cleaning procedures or providing assistance if troubleshooting is needed.
Chemtec Chemicals is part of the Miracle and Dr. Verwey team.

Tank Cleaning Guide and Cargo Database

Chemserve 3D
Vetting and HSEQ Database

Dr. Verwey’s TCG
The renowned Tank Cleaning Guide
You can trust us